A unique buildingfirm
with unique technologie

And almost a century of experience

A unique buildingfirm with a unique high-tech, industrial buildingmethod

Our machine production offers many advantages. Benefits that no other construction company can really offer.

At Quackels we ensure a controlled, mechanical process, where quality does not depend on human skill.

That is why our construction company can deliver quality consistently, we build on average 12x faster than traditional construction companies and we can offer better prices.

Machine production:
The ultimate control
Measurable quality: Ultra low E- and S-values
Quick... Very, very quick

Dry construction:
Goodbye moisture

The ecological

Krantenartikel van de Gazet Van Antwerpen met krantenkop: "Kontichse bouwfirma bouwt huis in 7,5 uur". Sneller bouwen dan met Quackels Woningbouw is onmogelijk.

The industrial methods of our buidlingfirm

On the picture you can see a minerva of 1930 and a house of Quackels Woningbouw N.V. on the buildingfair Batibouw. The famous Minerva cars were always made by hand. After hundreds of hours of manuel labor and at least a year later these cars rolled out of the factories. 

Until Henry Ford industrialised the production of cars. Now cars roll of the factory lines within 24 hours, better priced and which much higher quality. Why has this evolution still not happened in the building industry? Quackels Woningbouw N.V. is ahead of its time because, over our 70 years of existance, we developed a unique buildingsystem, with the greatest level of accuratie imaginable. That is why we can build highly performant homes, which are build at recordspeeds and at the lowest prices.

thanks to our industrial take on building, you don’t have to make a choice anymore between speed, quality and low prices. We garanty all three. Read on to discover how. 

Jozef Quackels, oprichter van het bouwbedrijf Quackels Woningbouw

Unmatched speeds

The production of Quackels homes is unique thanks to our industrial way of building. Only four days is needed to produce a whole house.

And still Quackels Builders can offer very high quality. This is thanks to our hyperaccurate mechanical productien. No labor, a lot of technology!

After the production our assembly team, assembles the hous in under three days. Rain, wind, snow,.. are no hinderance for us. Delays due to weatherconditions are non-existant.

Canadees krantenartikel over Belgische Quackels Woningbouw

No condensation and no moisture

Ever since the middleages there have been little changes to building houses. Until now traditional brickwork is still used in a lot of homes. Until now houses are still built brick by brick, months and months in all kinds of weather and wind. It is a sad sight to see buildingsite become drenched to the bone. And, imagening people having to live in these wet buildings for at least months before the are dry.  

At Quackels Woningbouw N.V the owner does not have to guess if his home is wet or not. We don’t know building moisture.  All our homes are produced dry and remain dry until they are assembled. Even at the buildingsites themselves our materials are not exposed to the rain. A sad contrast with homes that are terrorised by uncontrolable rains for weeks.

The most dangerous form of moisture is also unexistant at Quackels Woningbouw N.V.. Condensation effects almost every build and usually this moisture is noticed way to late. That is why it is so dangerous. In a natural way it is impossible that condensation forms in Quackels constructions. Cold bridges and airtightness are very important factors here. At Quackels Woningbouw N.V. we have no thermal bridges and scoring better on airtightnesstests is virtually impossible.

Prefab houtskeletbouw element
Muur vol vocht van een traditionele bouwfirma

Unmatached airtightness

We don’t let warm air (cold air in the summer) escape our homes. Not thru cracks, gaps and certainly not thru the outer layer of our homes. Nice warm our seems innocent, but it can become a sneaky destroyer really fast (in the form of condensation).

We are very conscious about this. That is why we don’t give condensation a chance.The proof is our enormous scores on our airtightness tests. Scores up to 60% better than passive homes (n50 = 0,20 vs n50=0.60) are not uncommon.

These are scores of which independent testers say: “At Quackels Woningbouw N.V., warm air doesn’t escape, except thru the keyhole.” Ask for yourself and let yourself be surprised about our scores.  

We our also happy to go deeper into the method how we keep our homes airtight and without thermal bridges. Contact us now for more information.


Goede score op de blowerdoor van een huis gebouwd door de bouwfirma Quackels
Goed resultaat blowerdoortest van de bouwfirma Quackels

Low E-values (quality scores in Belgium)

Low E-values are easily attained, when the base is good. A lot of isolation, a huge airtightness and the right materials. 

E-values under 10 are no coincidence at Quackels Builders. And our costumers reap the benefits.

Verified quality.. Through internal and external control

For years we have been striving to deliver better quality than legally obligated. Our firms builds even better than German and Austrian norms, which are much heavier than our own Belgian norms. Year after year we are able to deliver this high level of quality and every year this is verified by German and Austrian state controles. Quality is prioritised at Quackels Woningbouw N.V., it is not a coincidence. 

Ondergesneeuwde woning in Amerika gebouwd door de firma Quackels

A buildingfirm with one eye on quality
And the other on sustainability

Besides energyefficient homes, we also pick our materials with a lot of care. Sustainability and circularity is always on our mind. Want to know more? Read all about it here.

Quackels Woningbouw N.V. is already outperforming legal normes for 45 years. Every building buit can withstand the coldest winters. Even the cold winters of Canada, where -40°C is not unusual. Our homes are built all over the world, without any adjustments of the buildingmethod, structure and quality. Things like triple glass are not an option, but are the norm at Quackels Woningbouw N.V.

Besides building energy efficient, we also try to use materials, with an eye out for our climate. Materials which are valuably recyclable and are in line with the new thinkingstream of circulair building. That is how we, as a buildingfirm, contibute to the environment.

A buildingfirm with industry in stead of labor

Stop choosing between quality and affordability. At Quackels Woningbouw N.V. short production- and assamblytimes make for minimal laborcosts. Thats why we supply very expensive materials, in the advantage f the costumers. Invest your money in the right place. You don’t live in workinghours, you live in materials.

More speed nad more quality, while mimising the cost seems impossible. Thanks to 70 years of experience Quackels Woningbouw has accomplished this. Nobody can offer quality homes at the prices we offer. 

Visit our company and discover all the possibilities. Contact us now for more information.

Carefree building and living

Quackels Woningbouw N.V. has already existed for 70 years and is still known for its quality. Thanks to our business culture your son/daughter, friend, neighbour or even your acquaintance wll also build with us. As a family business we prioritise our costumers. Every day we give our best for our costumers, because we are happy with our costumers. And, therefore our costumers are happy with us. Read our blog to see some of our costumer comments.

Extra Safe

Our clients are always safe in their home. Shileded from the elements, from warmth and cold, but especially also from harmful people. Our houses are always aquiped with triple glass and safetydoors. This is a standard.

With our familycompany, your family does not have to make any compromises. We won’t allow it! These are the familyvalues to which we adhere. 



Quackels Woningbouw N.V. has also payed a lot of attention to the soundproofing of your home. Thru airtightness and a well thought out buildup of our walls and our roofs, we eliminate the break-in of noise. Even a roaring train does not influence the wellbeing of our habitants. We have already been producing homes following German norms since 1992, to combat this type of nuisance. Every room on itself is also a soundproof unit. In a Quackels Woningbouw N.V. home you wil find peace and quie, whenever you want it.

Thousands of witnesses acros Europe and North-America

From our homebase in Belgium, we export homes to different countries in- and outside of Europe. For this export no adjustments to our homes are necessary. Even when it comes to countries like Canada, where -40° is no exeption. Our homes in France, Spain or Andorra, can all withstand the freezing Canadian or American winters too. Just like our homes in Belgium. Discover more about our firm and our history here.